Welcome to inDrive!

Ready to start accepting rides?



Open the side menu in the 
upper-left corner to switch 
to driver mode


Go Online

Switch your status to Online 
to receive notifications about new ride requests in the area.

Always stay Online when you're 
at the wheel. A convenient nearby ride request could pop up at any moment!


Choose a ride request

Choose which ride requests 
to accept based on the price, pick-up point, destination and on the passenger's rating . With inDrive, 
you have freedom of choice. Skipping ride requests won't affect your rating. 

Pay attention to comments and requests when accepting the rides. For example, "4 people", "air conditioning required", and make sure you already have everything the passenger needs.


Don't overcharge!

If you're happy with the passenger's price offer, accept the request OR 
Use our bidding system to offer 
the passenger a higher ride fare.


Don't overcharge!

Don't overcharge! Passengers receive counter-offers from all nearby drivers. The fairer your ride prices, 
the higher the chance you'll 
be chosen.


Give your arrival time

Be on time to pick-up the passenger. If you're running late, call them 
and let them know.


Do not cancel ride requests after accepting

Cancelling, running late or not turning up once you've already accepted the ride request may result 
in your profile being blocked from inDrive.


Tap "I've arrived"

Once you've arrived at the pick-up point. 

The passenger will receive 
a notification. Passengers have 
5 minutes of free waiting time. 

If the passenger is late, call them and notify them about additional waiting fees.


Tap "End the ride"

Once you've arrived 
at the destination.


Finishing the ride

Accept the passenger's payment for the ride. If the passenger has to pay for any extra waiting time, remind them and don't forget to add that amount to the total ride fare.

When you reach your destination, tap "Completed."


Rate your passenger

To help us improve our service 
for drivers.


Go back to the ride request feed

Your ideal ride might be just around the corner!

Thanks for joining us!